Have you ever wondered wat dreams are?.....well i have....and i am still perplexed at the complexity of dreams....what are dreams made of...well the dictionary definition of dreams is this: “Dreams are the images, thoughts and feelings experienced while asleep, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and biological purposes of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history.”
Come to think of it......do animals dream as we people do?... one research that was done in a renowned university in America concluded after experimenting on a rat...that they do dream....and they were also able to determine a certain pattern of the neurons that were later interpreted as what kind of dream it was....sumthing about it running round in circles in a maze.... (not sure exactly)....but...y does a rat dream?...the team answered by saying.. ”probably to re-live and learn from experience”......Is this why people dream?.....then why are there times when we don’t remember what we dreamed?...is it because we failed to do wat we dreamed?....sometimes from the dreams we remember...we can recall a few things that never happened.....then what does “reliving and learning from the experience” mean here........
Sigmund Freud called dreams the "royal road to the unconscious". By this, he meant that dreams illustrate the "logic" of the unconscious mind.....Freud till this very day is considered the greatest psychoanalysts who ever lived....however...over time Freud abandoned his theory about the unconscious and replaced it with the concept of Ego.....
We normally see and read about people being haunted by dreams....i take bruce wayne a.k.a. BATMAN as an example (i just HAD to mention this)....every night he dreamt of the night his parents got shot...and this tortured him soo bad that he decided he would stand up against such crimes and make sure such a thing never happens ever again.....
People dream of many things.....it is said that one needs to dream to succeed....(this doesn’t mean that we need to sleep)...... great people are known to have dreams...like Mahathma Gandhi.....Hitler...Henry Ford....Nelson Mandela....Abraham Lincoln.....Isaac Newton....Albert Einstein....to name a few of the gazillion of great people....[including me of course]...they had a dream....to achieve something...this was a goal...so lets not mistake it with the dream we are talking of.... :O)
Its kinda wierd don’t you think... that you fall asleep....and ure mind subconsciously takes control of your body......Why does this happen?....Why do we have a particular dream at any given time?....Why don’t we remember all of our dreams....there are times when we wake up and think....”I just slept....what happened to the night??”....ever wondered wat actually happens??..... one of the most normal things that happens to every person....and we have no scientific explanation in this modern age.....state of the art equipment.....tools...cameras....but not one can show us our dreams...... none to tell us why...how...where and when...
I was deeply thinking why? and what the dreams are!!!
your way of writing, asking and explaining is making me concentrating and trying to find an answer, Dreams have been a mystery to us since Adam first breathed life. The stuff of legends, myth and fairy tale, dreams have always fascinated mankind. We can learn much from our dreams, if we only but listen with a trained ear. There is nothing psychic about understanding dreams. There is a certain degree of intuition, coupled with logic and a working knowledge of dreaming involved though.
well dreams are supposed to represent your unfulfilled needs or desires... so a lot of the older cultures like shamanism have a strong belief that interpreting dreams will help us unlock our inner potential or decipher problems that trouble us.
Sometimes, dreams provide solutions to problems that've been puzzling a person for long. It all depends on the situations you are facing in the conscious world that take a subconscious outlook.
ZOYA nice comment ;)
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